Is Fugoya only available as a subscription?

Is Fugoya only available as a subscription?

Is Fugoya only available as a subscription?

last updated at Oct 16, 2023

Yes, Fugoya is exclusively available as a subscription-based service. As indicated on our pricing page, our objective is to provide you with a 24/7, backed up, always available, as bug-free as possible, security-enhanced, ever-evolving product that seamlessly adapts to OS updates – all without compromising your data or resorting to ads. This commitment demands a stable source of revenue, and the subscription model is our means of achieving this.

We had other options, like making Fugoya a luxury product available only to a select few and then upselling additional features in a complex manner. Alternatively, we could have employed pricing that leaves you guessing about your monthly bill or encourages you to use the product sparingly to save money. However, we believe that these approaches are not in line with our mission.

Our objective is to solve problems for as many people as possible, and that's why we offer transparent, straightforward, and, most importantly, affordable pricing.



Fugoya GmbH

Fugoya and the F Logomark are registered trademarks in the European Union.



Fugoya GmbH

Fugoya and the F Logomark are registered trademarks in the European Union.