How do I track time spent finding inspiration eg. on Pinterest?

How do I track time spent finding inspiration eg. on Pinterest?

How do I track time spent finding inspiration eg. on Pinterest?

last updated at Sep 15, 2023

When it comes to tracking time spent on Research & Development (R&D), it can be quite challenging, as you're not directly working on a client deliverable, and you have no control over window titles. Manual intervention becomes inevitable.

What we've discovered to be the most convenient solution is to create a Rule with the App Title set to "Pinterest" and your desired project before commencing your research. You can then proceed with your research. Once you're finished, accept all the entries and delete the rule.

If your research process spans multiple days and is focused on one project, you can leave the tracking rule open until you've completed your work.

If you need to switch to research a different project in the meantime, first accept all the captures, and then simply modify the project of your "Pinterest" rule, so future captures are directed to the correct project.

Since the update that treats websites as applications, depending on your specific use case, you can also make use of the now-empty window title field to get more precise captures. For instance, if you're researching paper embossings for Client X and mobile app navigations for Client Y, having two "Pinterest" rules with the relevant window titles might do the trick for you.



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